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Hi There

For me to work best, I’d like to be able to see and hear you voice

This will be just like a video call where we can talk face to face. If that sounds ok, please turn on access to your microphone and camera when we request it.
The speed of your internet connection can have a big impacy on picyure quality in the call. If you do experience poor quality we’d love it if you could run a speed test and let us know the results in your feedback when you end the session.
I can find it hard to hear when you’re in a noisy room, or when there are other conversations going on around you. Please call me from a quiet place and let’s keep this one-on-one for now.
Ask me a question and I’ll do my best to answer, if i don’t have an answer for you. I’ll do my best to provide you with a reasonable next step.
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